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A Message to Leaders – Are You a Hope Carrier?

This week many of us are heading back to work and kicking off what we all hope will be an exciting new year filled with success and happiness. Leaders across the world are holding meetings and calls discussing the 2020 goals, new product campaigns, new expectations, and new challenges. And among all of the charges being given and expectations being set, leaders need to mindfully include one important four-letter word – hope.

The importance of hope in our lives was the theme of Valley Creek Church this past year, which I attend here in Flower Mound, TX, just outside of Dallas. The Lead Pastor, John Stickl, is an amazing speaker and I found myself often reflecting on how “hope” played such a role in business and in the emotional well-being of the people I served as a Leader.

This is not to say that leaders should minimize challenges facing organizations and/or brands, or sugarcoat performances that are not achieving expectations, but these communications, at least in my mind, need to end with a good dose of hope. Hope that the challenges will be overcome, the performance will improve, and that together, we will celebrate success at the end of the day.

You see, in my many years of leading sales forces, the presence of hope and a genuine belief that we will find a way, has played a key role in my team’s ability to persevere, even during the toughest of challenges.

I recently came across the following quote that captures the true essence of hope:

Hope is the silent prayer of the heart. Hope is the rain that soothes and the oasis that quenches your thirst. Hope is your lamp against the trudging darkness.” ~ Author Uknown

There will be those who argue the common adage, “Hope is not a strategy.” And they are right. Well-defined strategies and supportive tactics are essential for businesses and individuals to achieve their goals. On the other hand, I believe a strategy without hope is nothing more than a nice PowerPoint presentation that will seldom, if ever, impact the hearts and minds of the people we serve. And it is those people – their hearts, minds, and efforts – that will carry the day.

Here’s to a wonderful 2020. May it be filled with great health, happiness, success, and yes, hope!

Best regards,

6 thoughts to “A Message to Leaders – Are You a Hope Carrier?

  • Avatar
    Robert McCune

    Hello Dean,
    I truly welcomed this message at this time of year. We often do hear “Hope is not a strategy” which suggests that hope is not important in the big picture. That simply is not true. Hope instills confidence to execute the strategy and make things happen. Here’s to a great year and wonderful decade ahead.

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      Dean Hart

      Thank you Rob – appreciate the message and perspective!

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    Eric Williams

    Great read on the importance of hope. Hope is not a guarantee for success, but true leaders will inspire hope through clear direction toward the desired outcome to prepare their teams to see barriers to reality as opportunities. With that clear vision, they will believe in something bigger than themselves and CRUSH their goals.

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      Dean Hart

      Spot on my friend – thanks for talking the time to comment!

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    Keith Jack

    Great piece Dean. Hope is a key piece in all aspects of life. There is never any guarantee on any business strategy or plan. Over the years I have seen many “Nice PowerPoints”.

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      Dean Hart

      Thanks Keith! Really appreciate the note my friend.


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