Leading the Little Rascals?

One of my favorite shows growing up on Saturday mornings was, “The Little Rascals.” I have to admit I even like watching the remake movies with my grandkids because they bring back such great memories and still make me laugh. I’m pretty sure everybody reading this has seen at least one episode of The Little […]

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Billy’s Dancing and You Shouldn’t Care Why

I once had a discussion with one of my old bosses regarding his perceived ability to quickly determine what motivates an individual into exhibiting a type of behavior. He adamantly believed that within an hour or two, he could determine the key motivation/incentive an individual had deep within them that drove them to be a […]

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Lessons for Business and Life from 34,000 Feet

A couple weeks ago, I experienced both the high (I was upgraded – YES!) and the somewhat low (I had a window seat – UGH!) of business travel during a trip from San Francisco to Dallas. As we took off, I looked out the window and couldn’t help but notice the incredible beauty of the […]

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The World’s Greatest Motivator – You

Motivation. We seem to be always searching for it. Be it books, tapes, blogs, quotes, speakers, or webcasts, there are a multitude of sources to motivate us. However, external sources of motivation are too often fleeting – lasting only a few minutes or hours after we are exposed to them – and then they are […]

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Challenger – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I was a Challenger Rep. This realization occurred when I was reading the Challenger book. Not by birth, not by some divine guidance, but rather by the dedication and hard work that my Miami District Manager, Brian Torstrick, put forth towards my development as a new sales representative. He trained me to be a Challenger […]

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