The World’s Greatest Motivator – You


We seem to be always searching for it.

Be it books, tapes, blogs, quotes, speakers, or webcasts, there are a multitude of sources to motivate us.

However, external sources of motivation are too often fleeting – lasting only a few minutes or hours after we are exposed to them – and then they are gone.

For many, despite how many books you read, tapes you listen to, or blogs you subscribe to, none will provide what is needed on a consistent basis to drive you to make that extra call, excel at whatever job you are doing or whatever task is before you, and perhaps most of all, persevere during the challenging times we all face – as sales people, leaders, teachers, parents, partners, spouses, coaches, etc.

And as such, I believe that it’s only the motivation that lies inside all of us that can propel us forward.

So how do you tap into your internal motivation?

Following is something I have done consistently in my career that might also work for you.

At day’s end when you pull in your driveway, turn off the radio, take a minute, and adjust your rear view mirror so that all you see are your eyes.

You see, I believe the eyes are the window to one’s soul. And your soul will not lie to you.

Then ask yourself this one simple question…

“Did I do everything in my power today to be the best I could be? For my customers? My team? And in the case of the pharmaceutical industry, the patients I collectively serve with my health care partners?”

And then listen, really listen to the voice inside your head – to your soul.

Rest assured there have been many days when I didn’t like the answer I heard. So don’t feel alone or ashamed if you don’t like what you hear – there are a bunch of us in the same boat.

Just remember that it’s not what you hear but rather what you do to change the answer you receive from a “no” to a “yes” that will define you in your job, your career, and in many cases, your life.

This is not to say that the books, blogs, quotes and speakers aren’t motivational. Obviously, they are. But I surmise you have all the motivation you need, deep inside of you, to be successful at whatever you put your mind to.

All you really need to do is look yourself in the eyes, ask the question, truly listen to the answer, and then do what you know you need to do to be a better you tomorrow.

Simple and effective motivation from the greatest motivator of all – you.

But will you do it?

Once again, that my friends is a question only you and your soul can answer.

I hope everyone has a safe and successful week!

2 thoughts to “The World’s Greatest Motivator – You

  • Avatar
    Robert McCune

    Excellent post Dean! Love your tip for the end of the day reflection. All too often due to busy schedules and competing priorities this is often overlooked. Great reminder to take those few minutes to ask this very important question.

    • Avatar
      Dean Hart

      Thank you Rob!

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